

Qwitter is a windows phone 8 application conceptualized and created first for the Microsoft Code.Fun.Do hackathon. The app was selected as one of the nationwide finalists, where it was refined under the mentoring provided by Microsoft Engineers. The app aims to help people looking to quit smoking through a community of other anonymous quitters. Users log their experiences via 140 character messages - qweets which are shared anonymously with other users. Along with this, different milestones are defined to gamify the quitting experience and keep the users engaged. I developed the server side infrastructure of the App along with developing a classifier to detect Spam messages and weed them out of the system. This detector was a specialied SVM trained for short-text classification, such as tweets and SMSes.

We were adjudged as one of the five winning teams for the competition. We also won the ‘Top Coder’ laurel.